Future Improvements
Areas to be addressed for further stabilization of the model
This sheet will be further updated with PB Model in the coming weeks.
Latest Version : As tracked by Google sheet
Rebalancing of methodology, weightage and score through volume testing
- There are no reference models available for the ESG rating of Digital Assets. This is one of the first and few attempts.
- The methodology, weightage, and scoring must be further stabilized through volume testing to establish the resilience of the model through various data samples and situations.
- 60% of overall attributes across Manual & GSRM tabs require stabilization
- Testing 15 Cardano Digital Assets will reasonably stabilize the majority of indicators for Cardano
- However, the model must be tested using a variety of industries, impact types, and blockchain types in the subsequent stages
The Crypto Industry and the Digital Assets under consideration are in their infancy
- The data available are very limited.
- Some of the key concepts, designs, and performance in the crypto industry are far from standardized.
- Innovations and inventions are rapidly happening and the model must keep up with them closely.
- DAs are assessed based on their ‘intent’ or ‘prospectus’ rather than their actual performance.
- Typical businesses and impact funds are assessed based on their performance which are disclosed either as part of regulation or published authorized material.
- The model must cater to DAs in different stages of the life cycle in the future.
Critical Review, challenge, and diversity of thought-process are key
- Currently it reflects one team's thoughts. Thorough review; collaborative debates; challenging the model and scoring methodology; and bringing the diversity of thought-process from different angles are extremely important for an industry rating system.
Next steps:
Review, feedback loops
Resolve ""Pending Items"" in Manual & GSRM Models
Devise an approach for ASLCA-DPSIR method or alternate mechanism to arrive at PB Product performance
Accordingly include the PB dimension to this model
Devise overall rating scales and dashboards.
Test and rebalance the model (Manual + Traditional ESG + PB Product Performance) thoroughly by running it through more Digital Assets.
Publish final dashboards
Last updated