Simple summary:
When it comes to providing a score for the SDG and IRIS+ measurement systems, the first step is to analyze the digital asset and classify it under each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and indicators, as well as under the 17 categories and their respective themes of the IRIS+ system.
Each asset is then graded based on the type of impact it generates in each category, using a scale that includes direct positive, indirect positive, no impact, indirect negative, and direct negative impacts.
The positive impacts are counted directly, while the negative impacts are counted indirectly since the long-term goal is to replace existing production systems and shipping with local production and sustainable manufacturing processes. Once the asset has been reviewed and each strategic goal marked by the impact intensity type it is generating, we can move on to the final scorecard.
The scorecard includes the following sections:
Total count by Impact Intensity: This section counts the number of times the asset is marked by its type of impact.
Impact Score for each Impact Intensity Type: Each type of impact is ranked by a number, with Direct positive being the highest rank and Direct negative being the lowest.
DA Impact Score: This score is the result of multiplying the count by impact intensity and the score for each Impact Intensity Type. It is provided for each type of impact.
DA Impact Score - Total: This score is the result of the sum of all the types of impact score.
Maximum achievable score: This is the maximum score that can be achieved, based on the top 15 Direct Positive Impacts and Max Impact Score up to 60 (15*4). This can be revisited when we come across DAs that score above 10.
Impact Score out of 100: This is the final score given, calculated as (DA Impact Score * 100 / Maximum achievable score).
These metrics are crucial in providing a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of digital assets, ensuring they are sustainable and socially responsible
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