SDG # 16 - Peace & Justice
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
16.1.1: Proportion of countries with a functioning system for the administration of justice
This indicator measures the proportion of countries with a functioning system for the administration of justice, including the process of civil and criminal justice, the role of the judiciary and the presence of legal aid systems. It aims to assess the level of access to justice and the quality of the justice system in a country.
16.2.1: Number of people reported to be victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population
This indicator measures the number of people who are reported to be victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population. It aims to track the level of violence and insecurity in a society and monitor progress towards peaceful and inclusive communities.
16.3.1: Proportion of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their victimization to competent authorities or sought help from a service provider
This indicator measures the proportion of victims of violence who reported the victimization to the authorities or sought help from a service provider. It aims to assess the level of trust in the justice system and the extent to which people feel safe and secure reporting cases of violence.
16.4.1: Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced any physical, emotional or sexual violence in the past 12 months, according to the most recent available data
This indicator measures the proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical, emotional, or sexual violence in the past 12 months. It aims to assess the extent of violence against children and monitor progress towards creating safe and inclusive communities for all.
16.5.1: Number of victims of trafficking per 100,000 population
This indicator measures the number of victims of trafficking per 100,000 population. It aims to monitor the extent of trafficking and progress towards ending the exploitation of people for labor and sexual purposes.
16.6.1: Proportion of countries with established and operational national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles
This indicator measures the proportion of countries with established and operational national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles. It aims to assess the level of protection of human rights in a country and monitor progress towards promoting and protecting human rights.
16.7.1: Proportion of prisoners who have access to appropriate health-care services
This indicator measures the proportion of prisoners who have access to appropriate health-care services. It aims to assess the level of care and support provided to prisoners and monitor progress towards ensuring the well-being of all individuals in detention.
16.8: Public access to information and fundamental freedoms
This indicator measures the extent to which citizens have access to information and enjoy freedom of expression and freedom of the media. It seeks to track progress towards ensuring that people can access information and freely express themselves, without fear of retaliation, censorship or restriction.
16.9: Provisions for responsible and accountable institutions
This indicator measures the extent to which institutions are accountable, transparent and responsive to citizens. It tracks progress towards creating institutions that are accountable to citizens, respect human rights and the rule of law, and are transparent in their operations.
16.10: Completion of building effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
This indicator measures the extent to which institutions at all levels have been effectively established, are accountable and transparent, and are able to deliver public goods and services effectively and efficiently. It tracks progress towards creating institutions that are effective, accountable and transparent, and that are able to deliver public goods and services effectively and efficiently, thus contributing to sustainable development.
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