
Assesses the underlying technology and infrastructure of the asset, including factors such as blockchain technology, consensus method, code originality, and minting policy.

  • Blockchain Technology - Overall sustainability: This question assesses the overall sustainability of the blockchain technology used by the asset, taking into account factors such as scalability, security, and energy efficiency.

  • Consensus Method - Overall sustainability: This question assesses the overall sustainability of the consensus method used by the asset, taking into account factors such as decentralization, security, and energy efficiency.

  • Level of code originality: This question assesses the level of originality of the code used by the asset, taking into account factors such as whether the code is open-source, whether it is based on existing code, or whether it has been developed from scratch.

  • Level of off-chain code availability: This question assesses the level of availability of the off-chain code used by the asset, taking into account factors such as whether the code is open-source, whether it is available for review, or whether it is proprietary.

  • Minting Policy verification against code: This question assesses the extent to which the minting policy of the asset has been verified against the underlying code, taking into account factors such as whether the code has been audited, whether it has been tested, or whether there are any discrepancies between the policy and the code.

  • Credibility of Page Infrastructure: This question assesses the credibility of the page infrastructure and whether it is providing accurate and updated information, it also evaluates the security measures implemented to protect the users and clients data.

Based on the answers to these questions, the asset is assigned a score for the Technology parameter, which reflects the overall quality and sustainability of the underlying technology and infrastructure of the asset. A higher score indicates a more robust and sustainable technology, while a lower score may indicate potential issues with scalability, security, or energy efficiency.

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